What are Nanz & Kraft Florists hours of operation?
Floral Representatives are available to take your order by phone during business hours, or you can place your order on our website 24 hours a day! For branch store hours please click Branch Locations for a listing of physical store locations and hours.
Is the information I provide during the checkout process kept private?
Where can I get the addresses and phone numbers of hospitals?
Click for listing of Kentuckiana Hospitals. Feel free to call us and place your order on the phone. We have comprehensive national data on our systems and will be happy to track down the address and room numbers. (As part of our service we confirm room numbers on every order.)
Where can I get the addresses and phone numbers of funeral homes?
Click for a listing of Kentuckiana Funeral Homes. Feel free to call us and place your order on the phone. We have comprehensive national data on our systems and will be happy to track down the address and visitation times. (As part of our service we confirm visitation times on every order.)
How will I know if my gift/order has been successfully delivered?
How will I know if my order has been received?
Can I have a delivery made to a school?
Usually Yes, Some schools do not allow deliveries, and there can be other issues with deliveries to schools. First, will the school notify the recipient of the floral delivery? Second, occasionally schools refuse the delivery. If you choose to have a delivery made to a school, choose not to make it on Valentine's Day, you must choose the day before. This increases the probability of success. Because of problems that are outside of our control, Nanz & Kraft Florist can not guarantee a floral delivery to a school during a major holiday, or if a school refuses delivery. If you request us to provide this service we will do everything in our power to achieve your goal. If there is a failure the customer will be notified. Then you can choose to pick it up or we can put the item out for sale and issue a full credit.
What happens to my order when you attempt delivery and the recipient is not at home?
If the recipient is not at their home when a delivery is attempted we will do one of the following: Weather permitting, we will leave the delivery at the door. If not, we will try to find a find a neighbor to accept the gift. We will try as many as 4 neighbors. When we find a neighbor we will leave a tag on the front door of the recipient indicating where the delivery was left and what time, our customer service representative will also call the recipient phone number and leave a message. If we are unable to find a neighbor we will leave a note on the door of the recipient's home asking them to call us and schedule an appropriate delivery time or redirect the gift to another location. We will also call the recipient to try and schedule a new delivery time. We will not leave a bouquet outside unless weather permits. One of customer service representatives will call the recipient and inform them of the delivery.
Can I request a specific time for the delivery of my arrangement?
Is there any special information needed to deliver an arrangement to a hospital?
For hospital deliveries, please make sure to include the name and address of the hospital, name of the recipient, and room number or ward. Your arrangement will be delivered to the floor nurse's station, as most hospitals do not allow florists into individual rooms. As a service we check with the hospital to verify room number. If the patient has been discharged we will re-deliver to their home address.
My computer froze up when I was placing an order. How do I know if the order went through?
Did you get an order confirmation number? If you did not, then your order did not go through (Please make sure to check your junk email box for confirmations as well). Wait a few minutes for an e-mail confirmation to make sure, then re-enter your order. If you are having difficulty, give us a call and we will be happy to take your order over the phone.
Do you deliver on Sundays?
Yes, in the Louisville Metro Area. You can have same day delivery if the order is placed by 12:15pm. Out of the Louisville area unfortunately we cannot guarantee delivery on Sundays as it is not a standard delivery day for many florists. However, we are open and will do our best. In many cases we can get this done for you. Otherwise, Monday will have to be an option. (We make every effort to get your order out on the day you requested. If it can be done we will make it happen.) Our main store is open Sunday from 8:30am-1pm. During November and December, our main store is open from 8:30am to 4pm. Holiday hours may vary.
What happens if I provide an incorrect delivery address?
Can I cancel my order?
What is Nanz & Kraft's Return Policy?
Nanz & Kraft Florist is committed to positive relationships with our customers and to your complete satisfaction when you purchase from us. If at any time, and for any reason, you feel that your purchase doesn’t meet your expectations, please contact us immediately by phone 502-897-6551.
If you would like to replace or return a floral arrangement, plant, or gift basket from Nanz & Kraft Florist, please refer to the appropriate terms below.
Please Note: As we are dealing with a fresh product, many variables may affect the condition of your arrangement. Depending on the type and variety of flower, you can expect cut stems to look beautiful for a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 10 days.
Please report any issues within 30 days of receipt. We will gladly send a new arrangement to your recipient, and pick up the unsatisfactory arrangement. If you are still not satisfied with the product, we will be happy to pick up the item and refund your purchase price. Flowers must be returned in the same container in which they were received, if applicable.
Please report any issues within 30 days of receipt. We will gladly send a new plant to your recipient, and pick up the unsatisfactory product. If you are still are not satisfied, we will be happy to pick up the item and refund your purchase price. Plants must be returned in the same container in which they were received.
Gift Baskets:
Please report any issues within 30 days of receipt. We will pick up the arrangement and issue a refund of your purchase price once it is received back in the shop. Gift baskets must be returned in the same state as received; with all products intact and in same container or basket.
• Refunds will be processed within 1-5 business days after the product is returned to the shop.
• Refunds will not apply if a replacement product was supplied and accepted.
• Nan & Kraft Florist must be notified in the time frames indicated. Items will be picked up (and replacement product provided) based upon our delivery schedule. Clients are always welcome to bring the product into the flower shop for immediate return and replacement.
• Out of Town Product: If the product was sent via a third party to an out of town recipient, Nanz & Kraft Florist will handle the return/exchange on behalf of the client with the third party vendor.
Nanz & Kraft Florist is appreciative of your patronage. Please let us know how we can help you.
How far in advance can I order a gift/bouquet/arrangement for delivery?
Is tax included in the price of the arrangement?
Why do flowers from Nanz & Kraft Florist last longer than from other florists or the grocery store?
Can you call before a delivery is made?
If requested in special instructions, we will call prior to delivery. This service is not available during peak holidays.
What does Flowers by Wire, FTD or Teleflora mean?
Flowers by wire may be a mysterious term to some, but it's the most popular way to send flowers across the country or around the world, with same day delivery possible to more than 99% of people living and working in the United States and Canada, as well as service to more than 120 other countries. The name "flowers by wire" is admittedly old-fashioned. Still, the quality and convenience are cutting edge. Interestingly enough, like most great ideas, it all started in a very low-tech, high-touch way. Flowers by wire delivery dates back more than a 100 years. When someone wanted to send flowers to a loved one in another city, a hometown florist would help by contacting a trusted florist in the distant town. Many flower shops like Nanz & Kraft Florist were handed down from generation to generation, and florist families had their own florist friends they had come to know through the years. The distant florist could deliver the flowers to the recipient quite easily. Unfortunately, this network of fellow florists was informal, and communication was cumbersome. In the early days telegraph messages had to be used to relay an order from one florist to another. Today, the best known are Teleflora & Floral Shop Network. Nanz & Kraft Florist is member of all of these and more. Each includes more than 20,000 florist members, who meet strict quality standards and adhere to professional guidelines. It's these florists that make flowers by wire possible. Of course, flowers by wire technology has continued to improve, too. Today, the vast majority of flowers by wire orders are transferred between florists on proprietary data networks to ensure the speed, (For example an order placed on this web site is processed in just 3 or 4 seconds) with accuracy, and security of transmission. Ties among the larger and better florists have only strengthened, because they regularly fill floral orders for each other, monitor results, and maintain close professional relationships. So, the fundamental concept remains -- fresh flower arrangements individually designed and locally delivered by independent florists all working together to help their customers.
Is it safe to purchase over the net with my computer?
I have heard that flowers delivered from an overnight service are fresher than from a florist?
Many of the out of town, overnight services claim their flowers are fresher, But this is not true. The flowers are cut in the same fields in South America, Holland, Africa, Hawaii and other areas. They are flown in the same planes. The real difference is the care of the flowers before they are delivered. With a florist the cold chain is protected. This "cold chain" insures that the flowers are kept in a cooler until they are delivered to your door. With an overnight service the flowers are out of water and refrigeration and sit in a box for 24 hours. (the flowers ride to the airport hub and sit in a warehouse until they are loaded back on a plane and flown to your city. They are then sorted and delivered in a non-climate controlled truck and delivered dry in a box.) The flowers are not arranged and have not been professionally hydrated. The fact is, overnight flower services are giving you far less service. When you are sending flowers you are sending sentiment - show how much you care by having your flowers delivered by a professional florist. Flowers from an overnight service are not a finished gift - they are a do it yourself kit. Unlike you local professional florist, these kits do not have quality control at the boxing level to pick through and remove damaged or dying flowers.